Home » 5 Most Common Workers Compensation Insurance Claims
junio 22, 2021

5 Most Common Workers Compensation Insurance Claims

Workers compensation insurance provides employers with the backup they need when faced with medical bills, lost time at work and other claims from employees hurt on the job. Yet, most employers don’t realize just how common these types of claims can be. If you are a business owner, you know you are required to maintain this type of business insurance under your state laws (in most cases), and you realize the value it provides even after just one claim. But are you familiar with the most common claims? a workers compensation claim form

1. Overexertion injuries 

Overexertion is one of the most common types of injuries suffered by employees on the job. It generally includes throwing, pushing, lifting or pulling that ends up causing injury because of overdoing it. It often relates to muscle use and often includes a loss of range of motion. This type of injury is common on jobsites in the construction industry, at factories or in jobs requiring physical labor. 

2. Slips and falls 

Tripping, slipping and falling on the job is the next most common risk. It is often associated with wet floors or floors that are covered in some type of material. It can happen in any building but tends to occur in jobs where conditions worsen throughout the workday. 

3. Falling to lower levels 

Sometimes those falls are much worse. One of the most common OSHA fines, in fact, relates to falling from high positions. These often occur in construction industry jobs or to those who work on multi-level surfaces. Improper securing of harnesses are a common cause. 

4. Bodily reaction 

Sometimes an injury is the result of the way your body reacts to a fall or other risk, rather than from that immediate situation. For example, if you trip or slip and become injured in an effort to prevent yourself from falling, this can lead to an oftentimes less severe injury. 

5. Struck 

Being struck by an object, such as something falling off a shelf or being hurt when a tool falls from a higher position, is another common risk factor. 

When it comes to workers compensation insurance claims, these are only some of the risks you face. Be sure your business insurance provides ample protection against these types of risks. 

Protect your staff. Contact Akin and Associates, Inc. for more information on workers compensation insurance

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